Data Management and Analysis Core

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Kai Wang, PhD
Leader, Data Management and Analysis Core
Dr. Kai Wang is professor of biostatistics and leads the Data Management and Analysis Core at the Iowa Superfund Research Program.

Qianjin Zhang
Data Specialist
Qianjin Zhang is a data specialist in the Data Management and Analysis Core at the Iowa Superfund Research Program.

Brian Westra
Data Services Manager, DMAC Representative
Brian Westra is data services manager for the Data Management and Analysis Core and the DMAC representative for the Research Experience and Training Coordination Core.

Michael Jones, PhD
Dr. Michael Jones is professor of biostatistics and a co-investigator in the Iowa Superfund Research Program's Data Management and Analysis Core.

Scott Spak, PhD
Research Translation Coordinator
Co-Leader, Data Management and Analysis Core
Scott Spak is the research translation coordinator for ISRP's Administrative and Community Engagement Cores and the co-leader of the Data Management and Analysis Core.