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Apply informatics to support and optimize the ISRP scientific research process, training, and methods to maximize research outcomes, applied solutions, replicable products, and sound evidence-based decision support.
- Develop, maintain, and automate data management, data sharing, and quality assurance infrastructure for full reproducibility, transparency, and rigor in all ISRP studies.
- Support ISRP projects and cores with embedded expert biostatistical contributions, services, and guidance.
- Develop novel statistical methods and associated software for data analytic challenges that impact all ISRP projects and cores and affiliated sciences.
- Support the Research Experience and Training Coordination Core (RETCC) by providing guidance, resources, events, and instruction on data science and informatics to trainees and investigators.
- Provide the integrative data management and analytical foundations for ISRP-wide efforts to quantify, constrain, and communicate uncertainties in estimating and projecting PCB exposomes of the U.S. school-age population and currently available means for reducing them.
Core Team

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Kai Wang, PhD
Leader, Data Management and Analysis Core

Michael Jones, PhD

Scott Spak, PhD
Research Translation Coordinator
Co-Leader, Data Management and Analysis Core

Brian Westra
Data Services Manager, DMAC Representative

Qianjin Zhang
Data Specialist