Andres Martinez, PhD
Dr. Andres Martinez is an Associate Research Engineer at IIHR—Hydroscience & Engineering and an adjunct assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering. He has expertise in the areas of field sampling, development of analytical method and analysis of hydrophobic organic compounds in complex environmental matrices, environmental modeling, and data analysis. Distribution, transport, and fate of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in air, water and sediment/soil have been his main areas of interest. He has been engaged with ISRP and has extensive experience in the analysis of PCB congeners in complex environmental matrices and has moved his research further into toxicology to apply his environmental modeling expertise to PBPK modeling.
In Project 3, Dr. Martinez will lead PBPK modeling efforts in Aim 4. In collaboration with Project 4, he will develop the PCB electrospun nanofiber media personal sampler for Aim 3. In Project 5, he will develop the materials and methods for the Aim 2 passive sampler experiments as well as the PCB passive samplers in the Aim 3 mesocosm experiments. In addition to supervising and participating in activities relevant to this ISRP project, he will work closely with ISRP researchers to coordinate the overall project, design experiments, analyze data, and disseminate experimental findings.