Goal: Facilitate high-quality, high-impact research products in support of the University of Iowa Superfund Research Program such as data, methods, and peer-reviewed publications.

The Analytical Core (AC) provides both routine and non-routine analytical services including expert staff, analytical methods, equipment, and instrumentation to enable research discoveries and fulfill the mission of the ISRP.


1) Maintain analytical quality assurance standards and protocols.

2) Facilitate high-throughput analysis in complex biotic and abiotic matrices.

3) Provide prioritized training and access to AC facilities.

4) Support method development for complex matrices.

5) Maintain analytical infrastructure.



Keri Hornbuckle

Keri C. Hornbuckle, PhD, Core Leader

Rachel Marek

Rachel Marek, PhD, Co-investigator

Hans-Joachim Lehmler

Hans-Joachim Lehmler, PhD, Co-investigator

Trevor Erb

Trevor Erb, Trainee

Mariah McKenna

Mariah McKenna, Trainee